- I once wound up in hospital because I ate a glass Christmas bauble for a dare.
- I have such an overactive imagination that sometimes when I’m home alone, I convince myself that my puppy is actually the devil and have to put her outside because I’m scared.
- I count my brushstrokes when I clean my teeth, but it has to be counted out in four lots of eight at a time (to a total of 608 strokes), and if there’s music playing I can’t do it.
Think you’ve got it worked out? Good. Let’s move on to something that makes me sound a bit more normal, shall we? Let’s see… I’m a goat farmer? Nope, yokel. I play mandolin in a band with my dad? Ugh, even worse. I hate the cold and yet whenever the weather turns terrible I get homesick for my English home-town? (Okay, that’s not weird, it’s stupid).
It seems like the only typical, young person thing I’ve ever done is travel the world before going to university, then drop out after a year (no offense to all my scholarly friends!). I studied music business and graphic design, and now I’m taking my passion for marketing and book promotion to a blog near you. This one, to be exact. And as if my remarkably boring life hasn’t been enough to make you follow my twitter me @katherineamabel or subscribe by email, I’ll also throw in a picture of my puppy (who is by no means the devil).
It seems like the only typical, young person thing I’ve ever done is travel the world before going to university, then drop out after a year (no offense to all my scholarly friends!). I studied music business and graphic design, and now I’m taking my passion for marketing and book promotion to a blog near you. This one, to be exact. And as if my remarkably boring life hasn’t been enough to make you follow my twitter me @katherineamabel or subscribe by email, I’ll also throw in a picture of my puppy (who is by no means the devil).
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Suspect A: Disturbingly cute puppy. |
And now for the answers. The truth is I never ate a Christmas bauble for a dare. I just ate one because I was one year old and my parents clearly aren’t very responsible. I did once eat a chilli for a dare on the school bus, and what did I gain? Two hours of shivering and a disgustingly running nose, and I remained the nerdiest kid in school.
I guess some things will never change.
P.S. All subscribers to the blog receive a free, once-a-week (at most) email, conveniently hand-delivered to their inbox by little cyber robots (who, admittedly, probably don't have hands). Want to try it first? Here are links to my most popular posts so far:
Better Than Bingo at a Knitting Club Tea-Party: A Review
On Cover Design, DIY Marketing And The Personification Of Butt Cheeks...
A Spot of Bother For The Web-less Blogger
My Novel Went To Slovenia And All I Got Was This Lousy Blog Post
P.S. All subscribers to the blog receive a free, once-a-week (at most) email, conveniently hand-delivered to their inbox by little cyber robots (who, admittedly, probably don't have hands). Want to try it first? Here are links to my most popular posts so far:
Better Than Bingo at a Knitting Club Tea-Party: A Review
On Cover Design, DIY Marketing And The Personification Of Butt Cheeks...
A Spot of Bother For The Web-less Blogger
My Novel Went To Slovenia And All I Got Was This Lousy Blog Post
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